Configure Home Page in Jacqueline
To be sure your home page displays with your latest posts, you will have to adjust your reading settings. To do this please go to Settings > Reading, under Reading Settings for your homepage displays select Your Latest Posts. For Blog pages show at most adjust the posts number to 6. Save Changes.
For your blog post previews to display properly you must set up your theme to display the featured image and excerpts. This can be done by going to Genesis > Theme Settings and under Content Archives. Select featured-image (600 x 600) for the Image Size. Please double check to make sure the Featured Image box is selected.
*Please Note: If your images do not display properly this is because you need to regenerate your thumbnails. To do this download and activate the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. Then go to Tools > Regen. Thumbnails > Regenerate All Thumbnails and your images will resize to fit properly.
Plugins Used
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to download and activate all the plugins listed on this page before proceeding on.
Setting Up the Home Page
Please follow the links below for detailed instructions on setting up the home page.
Insert Shop Feed in Jacqueline