Jacqueline Slider Set Up

If you haven’t already done so, go and download all the plugins used in the theme mentioned here. We will be working with the Genesis-Responsive Slider right now. When you have the Slider activated drag and drop it into the Home Page Slider Widget location.

Slider Settings

The screenshot below will show you how to properly set up your slider so it appears like the slider shown in Jacqueline. In order to do this go to Genesis > Slider Settings.

If you do not have any images displaying in your slider it is because you have not set up your featured images. Your slider will grab from (in this case) the 5 most recent posts that displays featured images.

These images will have to be large in order for the slider to display the images largely and crisp, without them looking blurry or pixelated. I will advise images no less than 1600px wide.

Go to Posts > Add New or Edit Post.  Upload an image to be featured in that blog post under Featured Image > Save or Update.

Repeat this step for every blog post you wish to include in the slider.  You should now have a beautiful functional slider.

If your images are not filling the screen of your slider you may have to regenerate your thumbnails. To do this download and activate the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. Then go to Tools > Regen. Thumbnails > Regenerate All Thumbnails and your images will resize to fit properly.

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