Configure Home Page For Valentina
To be sure your home page shows up with the appropriate widgets, you will have to create a static page for your home page and posts page. If you haven’t already created a Home and Blog page, please do that by going to Pages > Add New. After this go to Settings > Reading, under Reading Settings for Front page displays select A static page and choose Home for the front page and for your posts page choose Blog. Save Changes.
Plugins Used
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to download and activate all the plugins listed on this page before proceeding on.
We will be working with the Genesis-Responsive Slider right now. When you have the Slider activated drag and drop it into the appropriate widget area (Home Page Slider Widget).
The screenshot below will show you how to properly set up your slider so it appears like the slider shown in Saffron. In order to do this go to Genesis > Slider Settings.
If images do not appear in your slider that is because you don’t have your featured images set up for your slider to get the images yet. Let’s set that up real quick!
Your slider will grab from (in this case) the 3 most recent posts that displays featured images.
These images will have to be large in order for the slider to display the images properly, without them looking blurry or pixelated. We advise uploading images no less than 1200px wide.
Go to Posts > Add New or Edit Post. Upload an image to be featured in that blog post under Featured Image > Save or Update.
Repeat this step for every blog post you wish to include in the slider. You should now have a beautiful functional slider.
Banner Images
Your banner images are the featured images that show up right below your slider. These will redirect you to any page in or outside your website. To get these up you will need to set up banner image linking to 3 different pages in your Home Featured Image Widget using the Image Widget as shown here. The banner image simply serves as the background. You may use the banner image provided in the assets folder or create your very own. Here is where you will find detailed settings for that widget.
Welcome Text
Simply write a title and description in the text widget of your ‘Home Text Widget’. Here is where you will find detailed settings for that widget.
Social Media (Footer)
You will use the ‘Simple Social Icons’ widget in the Footer 1 widget area. Here is where you will find detailed settings for that widget. Below that simply fill in the links to the websites you wish to connect.
Tip: If you wish to change the colors of these icons, you may do so by changing the HEX code shown in the example.