Configure Home Page For Saffron

To be sure your home page shows up with the appropriate widgets, you will have to create a static page for your home page and posts page. If you haven’t already created a Home and Blog page, please do that by going to Pages > Add New. After this go to Settings > Reading, under Reading Settings for Front page displays select A static page and choose 'Home' for the front page and for your posts page choose Blog. Save Changes.

Plugins Used

If you haven't already done so, please be sure to download and activate all the plugins listed on this page before proceeding on.

Setting Up the Home Page

Please follow the links below for detailed instructions on setting up the home page.

Set Up Slider in Saffron

Set Up Newsletter Opt-in Form in Saffron

Configure Front Page Banners in Saffron

Configure Latest Posts Section in Saffron

Set Up an Instagram Feed in Saffron

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