Set Up a Carousel Slider

To begin go here to install the Soliloquy plugin. After you verify your key, go to Soliloquy > Settings > Add-Ons and click the Refresh Add-Ons button. Install the Carousel add-on and the Featured Content add-ons.


Now you need to create your slider. To do this go to Soliloquy > Add New and name it ‘Featured Posts’.

1. For the ‘Slider’ tab under “Select Slider Type” select the button ‘Featured Content’ button. You will know that it is selected when you notice a thin green line is highlighting the box (screenshot below). Set it up as displayed in this screenshot here.

2. Under the Config tab set it up as displayed in this screenshot here.

3. Under the Mobile tab set it up as displayed in this screenshot here.

4. Under the Carousel tab set it up as displayed in this screenshot here. You may leave the ‘Misc’ tab alone.

After you have your slider set up properly be sure to save it. When you have the slider activated, go to Appearance > Widgets and drag and drop the Soliloquy widget into the Home Page Slider Widget Area as displayed above in the widget set-up.

If you do not see any images displayed in your slider, it is because you don’t have your featured images set up for your slider to get the images yet. Let’s set that up real quick!

Your slider will grab from (in this case) the 5 most recent posts that displays featured images.

Go to Posts > Add New or Edit Post. Upload an image to be featured in that blog post under Featured Image > Save or Update.

Repeat this step for every blog post you wish to include in the slider. You should now have a beautiful functional slider.

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