Ambrosia - Customize Footer Section

Before we begin it is worth noting that this section integrates with Shopify's newsletter feature.

In order to integrate it with ConvertKit please visit the article here:

In order to integrate it with MailChimp please visit the article here:

Adding Section

Under Footer select Custom Footer. Click the title to edit the contents of the footer.

There are two blocks that can be added: Image and Custom Liquid. You can add any image here, maybe a mockup of a lead magnet that you may offer. We included a Canva mockup in the Digital Assets PDF file, but if you are interested in additional mockups we offer them here.

If you use the Canva mockup we highly suggest exporting the image as a transparent .PNG file to upload.

Adding Instagram Feed

The Custom Liquid block is great for inserting an Instagram Feed. Here are instructions on how to do that using SnapWidget.

  1. Go to and create an account.

When you log in you will be taken to their widgets page. Select the first option by clicking the Create A New Widget button. Click the Instagram Grid option

  1. Click Sign in With Instagram button

Click the Authorize button to allow SnapWidget to display your Instagram feed publicly (your account must be un-private in order to display it publicly).

If you're having any troubles loading your feed please switch your browser to Google Chrome or enable pop-ups for

The following settings are what is used in the demo. But you may adjust it to fit your needs.

After you are done be sure to preview your widget and then click Get Widget and copy the code by clicking Copy to Clipboard

The Instagram feed may not display correctly in the preview. If this occurs simply open your website from a new private window on your web browser. You should see your Instagram feed just fine. This is how the public sees it.

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