Ambrosia - Set Up Instagram Feed

To begin, download and activate the Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed plugin.

After the plugin has been installed navigate to your Instagram Feed panel. Navigate to set up and then click Launch the Setup Wizard.

Select the account type you want to connect, and sign into your Instagram account. Verify your domain and finish completing the setup steps.

Once done select Complete Setup Without Upgrading.

After completing the setup steps. Click the Add New to create your Feed. Select User Timeline. Select your Instagram account.

Under the Customize sub-panel, you may customize the display settings for your Instagram feed.

Disable Header

Disable Load More Button

Disable Follow Button

Feed Layout - Select Grid

Then Save!

Select Back to All Feeds. Copy the shortcode given.

Navigate back to Appearance > Widgets. Under the Instagram Feed widget location paste the shortcode into a Custom HTML widget and then save.

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