WooCommerce Set Up

This is not a tutorial on how to use WooCommerce but instead a quick start guide to setting it up.

Step 1:

If you haven’t already, go ahead and install the WooCommerce plugin.

Once WooCommerce is installed and activated, you will be prompted to create shop pages, click Install WooCommerce Pages.

After this, you may include or delete the desired pages in your Menu panel.

Step 2:

Once you have your shop set up with your product images for WooCommerce, you may notice that they appear blurry. This is a common issue for people when using WooCommerce.

To prevent this from happening, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products. Under Product Images change it to the following:

After this go to Tools > Regen. Thumbnails.

After you have regenerated all your thumbnails, refresh your shop page. All your photos should now be crisp and clean now.

Getting Started with WooCommerce

As mentioned earlier support for using WooCommerce is not offered since it is such a complex plugin with so many features to offer.

Documentation for setting up your WooCommerce shop:

Troubleshooting WooCommerce

WooCommerce updates their plugin quite frequently. We try to stay up to date on this by updating the theme with any needed changes. If you update the plugin and your shop disappears, please do not be alarmed. Your shop is still there it’s just hiding.

What you need to do is flush your permalinks. To do this go to your Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks, and simply hit the Save button.

If your shop still isn’t showing up, go to Dashboard > Plugins, and activate the WooCommerce plugin. Refresh your site and it should appear like new.

If you have issues please contact us first, please do not tweak with the coding, as this can potentially cause your website to crash. Thank you.

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